Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Menghilangkan luka bakar

Cara / Tips Menghilangkan Bekas Luka Bakar Ringan - Meminimalisir Noda Hitam Di Kulit Luka Bakar Knalpot, Wajan, atau yang lainya.

Caranya adalah segera rendam bagian yang terluka ke dalam air dengan suhu normal (± 27 °C) sekitar 5-10 menit. Hal tersebut bertujuan agar suhu bagian yang terluka segera netral, sebab bagian tersebut mengalami peningkatan suhu didalam. Setelah itu, baru oleskan salep khusus luka bakar yang kualitasnya terjamin. Oleskan sesuai petunjuk pemakaian dengan rutin, niscaya kulit Anda kembali mulus seperti semula.

Masih ada beberapa masyarakat yang mempercayai mitos untuk mengatasi luka bakar dengan cara mengoleskan luka dengan kecap, mentega, minyak, bahkan pasta gigi. Kenyataannya, hal tersebut justru mengakibatkan luka terinfeksi, sukar sembuh, dan membekas.

cara tersebut dapat menghilangkan/meminimalisir bekas luka yang ditimbulkan.
READ MORE - Menghilangkan luka bakar

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

Cara menghilangkan Keputihan

Keputihan???? keputihan adalah salah satu gangguan pada organ reproduksi wanita. Keputihan ditandai dengan keluarnya cairan (bukan darah) dari vagina secara berlebihan. Yang baunya ada yang berbau ada juga yang berbau tidak sedap. Cara mengatasi keputihan? pertama-tama kita harus tahu dulu jenis keputihannya, kemudian kita juga mencari tahu penyebabnya untuk kemudian bisa kita hindari, dan untuk melakukan penyembuhan atas keputihan (patologis) yang kita alami, kunjungi dokter special kulit dan kelamin untuk mendapatkan penjelasan lengkap dan pengobatan yang tepat.

Kalau untuk mengatasinya secara tradisional, ibu2 jaman baheula sering minum air rebusan sirih dan cebok dengan menggunakan air rebusan sirih juga, hal ini juga yang disarankan , tetapi juga, minum air ini tidak boleh terlalu berlebihan, karena kandungan antiseptiknya kalau berlebihan justru akan mematikan mikroba( cmiiw yah moms, mungkin moms yang backgorundnya biologi bisa bantuin :)) yang sebenernya di butuhkan juga untuk menjaga keasaman normal dari vagina kita.Kita juga mencegahnya populasi kuman dengan menjaga kebersihan, keringkan dengan tisu setiap habis cebok, hindari penggunaan pantyliner karena membuat sektiar vagina menjadai tambah lembab, lebih baik sering ganti celana dalam setiap kali terasa lembab/basah terutama jika lagi kepanasan/keringetan, juga gunakan celana dalam yang menyerap keringat/katun. Yang jelas sih, keputihan patologis ini Memang perlu diobati, karena jika semakin berlarut2 selain rasa tidak nyaman, Mengganggu hubungan seksual dan dapat menulari pasangan, keputihan ini juga bisa menyebabkan kemandulan,kata dr boyke. Ini ada resep tradisional untuk menghilangkan keputihan :

3 siung bawang putih, 3 cm kencur, 2 cm jahe ukuran kecil, 5 butir cengkih, 3 cm temu kunci, 1 sdt garam Campur ramuan ini dengan 100 ml air matang dan beri perasan 1 buah jeruk nipis. Minum ramuan ini sekali dalam seminggu sampai gangguan keputihan reda.
~Bagi wanita yang mengalami masalah keputihan disarankan agar mencuba petua ini. Ambil secekak daun pegaga bersama akarnya dan cuci bersih. Kemudian direbus di dalam periuk. Setelah mendidih campurkan sedikit garam dan biarkan suam. Kemudian ambil air rebusan yang suam tersebut dan cuci kemaluan. Lakukan 3 kali seminggu

~resep lain
bahan :madu murni 2 sendok makan,kunyit 3 potong,telur ayam kampung 1 butir,daun sembung 3 lembar,jeruk nipis 1 buah,daun asam muda 1 genggam
caranya: kunyit ,daun asam &daun sembung digodok denggan 2 gelas air hingga air tinggal 1 gelas.lalu telur yg sudah diambil kuningnya dicampur dengan perasan jeruk nipis dan madu ,aduk sampai merata
kemudian masukkan ke dalam air rebusan daun sembung yg telah dingin ,minumlah 2 kali dalam sehari pagi &saore dengan ramuan yg baru tersebut
READ MORE - Cara menghilangkan Keputihan

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Organic Skin Care

Organic skin care is one way to do it right – it’s natural, safe and effective. But what does it really mean? Let’s find out.

Organic skin care can be summed up in one word – natural. That means no invasive skin treatments like Botox or Collagen injections, no chemical treatments like bleaching. You have to rely on natural methods and natural ingredients only to rejuvenate your skin.

The problem with artificial treatments is, they are temporary in nature. For example, if you take a Botox injection to remove wrinkles from your skin, it may provide some immediate results. But its effects will begin to wear out in a few months and you will have to take the injection again.

This cycle will continue as long as you want to have a smooth skin. The day you stop the injection, your skin will be back to its original, wrinkled self.

On the other hand, if you follow basic organic skin care, you will have a naturally glowing and healthy skin that will last for many-many years.

To begin with, you must understand that your skin is a reflection of your inner health. If your body is ill and lacking in nutrients, you cannot hope to have a healthy and beautiful skin.

So you need to have a balanced diet with enough fruits and vegetables in it to provide you with all the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy skin and body. Drinking plenty of water will clean up the toxins from your body and hydrate your skin too. Do not forget to protect your skin from the elements also. Apply a good sunscreen when going out in the sun. A pair of sunglasses and a hat will also help in shielding your face from direct sunlight.

Now you can add on some natural substances in your quest for a youthful skin. Organic skin care products contain some amazing natural ingredients that are very good for the skin.

Take Cynergy TK for example. This natural extract enhances the production of Collagen and Elastin in the skin. These two proteins are essential for having a smooth and elastic skin that is free from wrinkles. It also contains Functional Keratin™ - a protein found throughout the body.

Functional Keratin™ enables the production of new skin cells to replace the old and worn out ones. It is also an effective moisturizer and has been known to increase the moisture content in the skin by over 20%.

CoQ10 is a powerful anti oxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage.

Avocado Oil is a rich oil that penetrates deep into the skin and heals and moisturizes it from within. It also contains many vitamins and minerals that keep the skin nourished and healthy. This oil is also effective at preventing age spots from developing on the skin.

Make no mistake about it. Organic skin care is the way to go for a healthy, beautiful skin – naturally.
READ MORE - Organic Skin Care

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Eye Healthy

All About Eyes

We depend on sight more than any other of our senses to maneuver through the space around us. In a single glance, lasting a fraction of a second, our eyes work with our brains to tell us the size, shape, color, and texture of an object. They let us know how close it is, whether it's standing still or coming toward us, and how quickly it's moving. Every day, our eyes give us messages that help us understand the world around us.

Although the eyes are small compared with most of the body's other organs, their structure is incredibly complex. The eyes work together to perceive depth, enabling us to judge distance and the size of objects to help us move around them. Not only do the two eyes work together, they also work with the brain, muscles, and nerves to produce complicated visual images and messages. And our eyes constantly adapt to the changing environment — for example, they are able to adjust so that we can easily move around in a nearly dark room or bright sunlight.

To understand more about how the eyes work, it's important to know about the structures that make up the eye and about conditions and diseases that can interfere with vision.

How Eyes Work

Only part of the eye is visible in a person's face. The whole eye — the eyeball — is about the size and shape of a ping-pong ball.

The eye — both the parts that are visible and those that aren't — is extremely delicate. The body has several ways of protecting this vulnerable organ. The eyeball sits in the eye socket (also called the orbit) in a person's skull, where it is surrounded by bone. The visible part of the eye is protected by the eyelids and the eyelashes, which keep dirt, dust, and even harmful bright light out of the eye.

Our eyes are also protected by tears, which moisten the eyes and clean out dirt, dust, and other irritants that get past the defenses of our eyelashes and eyelids. Tears also help protect the eyes against infection.

Every time we blink, our eyelids spread a layer of mucus, oil, and tears over the cornea, which covers the eye. The lacrimal glands in the upper outer corner of each eye socket produce tears.

After they've done their job moistening the eyes, the tears flow into canals in the eyelids, which drain into the lacrimal sac, a pouch in the lower inner corner of each eye socket. Tears then exit through a passage which leads to the nose.

To see, the eye has to move. Six muscles, called extraocular muscles, surround the eyeball in the skull. These muscles act like the strings on a puppet, moving the eye in different directions. The muscles of each eye normally move together at the same time, allowing the two eyes to remain aligned.
READ MORE - Eye Healthy


What Is Sleepwalking?

Not all sleep is the same every night. We experience some deep, quiet sleep and some active sleep, which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking would happen during active sleep, but a person isn't physically active during active sleep. Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the stage called slow-wave or deep sleep.

Not all sleepwalkers actually walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake (but dazed) when, in fact, they're asleep! Most, however, do get up and move around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour.

Sleepwalkers' eyes are open, but they don't see the same way they do when they're awake and often think they're in different rooms of the house or different places altogether. Sleepwalkers tend to go back to bed on their own and they won't remember it in the morning.

Researchers estimate that up to 15% of kids sleepwalk regularly. Sleepwalking may run in families and sometimes occurs when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting enough sleep, or is stressed.
Is Sleepwalking a Serious Problem?

If sleepwalking occurs frequently, every night or so, it's a good idea for your mom or dad to take you to see your doctor. But occasional sleepwalking generally isn't something to worry about, although it may look funny or even scary for the people who see a sleepwalker in action.

Although occasional sleepwalking isn't a big deal, it's important, of course, that the person is kept safe. Precautions should be taken so the person is less likely to fall down, run into something, or walk out the front door while sleepwalking.
What Will the Doctor Do?

There's no cure for sleepwalking, but the doctor can talk to you about what's happening and try to find ways to help you sleep more soundly. Most kids just grow out of sleepwalking.

For kids who sleepwalk often, doctors may recommend a treatment called scheduled awakening. This disrupts the sleep cycle enough to help stop sleepwalking. In rare cases, a doctor may prescribe medication to help someone sleep.

Here are some tips to help prevent sleepwalking:

* Relax at bedtime by listening to soft music or relaxation tapes.
* Have a regular sleep schedule and stick to it.
* Keep noise and lights to a minimum while you're trying to sleep.
* Avoid drinking a lot in the evening and be sure to go to the bathroom before going to bed. (A full bladder can contribute to sleepwalking.)

How Do I Take Care of a Sleepwalker?

One thing you can do to help is to clear rooms and hallways of furniture or obstacles a sleepwalker might encounter during the night. If there are stairs or dangerous areas, a grown-up should close doors and windows or install safety gates.

You also might have heard that sleepwalkers can get confused and scared if you startle them into being awake. That's true, so what do you do if you see someone sleepwalking? You should call for a grown-up who can gently steer the person back to bed. And once the sleepwalker is tucked back in bed, it's time for you to get some shut-eye, too!
READ MORE - Sleepwalking